Iklan Responsive Bawah

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018

follicular lymphoma prognosis | Lymphoma: A disease still poorly known even by the sick

Lymphoma: A disease still poorly known even by the sick

According to a study unveiled Monday, September 12, 2016 by the Association France Lymphoma Hope, lymphoma remains the form of cancer whose frequency increases most but still remains poorly known, including by some patients.
In France, only 70% of the patients are aware of the type of lymphoma they are afflicted with, and 54% of them understand what the characteristics are, reveals this survey conducted during World Lymphoma Day.

The two broad categories that divide cancer of the lymphatic system are more or less known. The first one called Hodgkin lymphomas or "Hodgkin's disease" is the best known, but it is however only 15% of the cases. The second one called non-Hodgkin lymphomas is more common, or 85% of cases, and its number has increased by almost 5% per year in recent decades.

Each year in France, more than 18 000 new cases of lymphoma are diagnosed, making it the most common cancer in young adults, but also in adolescents, and 5th in adults. For example, it represents around 256 000 cases worldwide. It is responsible for 4 000 deaths per year in the hexagon.

At the moment, his origins are unknown. However, it must be admitted that several chemicals, as well as environmental factors, could promote its development, as indicated by France lymphoma Hope in one of its latest press releases. In addition, this type of cancer is difficult to diagnose. It is manifested among other things by high fatigue, permanent itching, or by swelling of the lymph nodes.

The association also stresses that the number of patients in remission is increasing due to progress in treatment.

The study, carried out with 668 people (patients or their relatives), showed that two thirds of the French patients are afraid of a relapse, while a third has undergone a change in his physical and social relations. Finally, a quarter of them, or 23%, experienced a decrease in self-esteem or depression.

28% of those surveyed feel "more dependent" because of the disease, having even moved to live with a loved one. 20% of them lost their jobs or were able to meet either academic or vocational difficulties.

Apart from the publication of this study, a communication campaign was presented to the general public. She staged the comedians Raphaƫl Mathew, Laurent Baffie and Chantal Ladesou, as well as animator Michel Drucker, in three short videos.

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Related : follicular lymphoma prognosis | Lymphoma: A disease still poorly known even by the sick

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