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Kamis, 25 Oktober 2018

cutaneous lymphoma | Cutaneous lymphoma: symptoms,

Cutaneous lymphoma: symptoms,

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Cutaneous lymphoma is a rare disease that affects humans between 40 and 60 years and corresponds to a proliferation of tumor cells that sit in the skin.

Cutaneous lymphomas that are due to an abnormal proliferation of T cells develop under the skin. This is infiltrated by proliferations of this B or T lymphocytes that are discovered by a skin biopsy.
These cell infiltrations are responsible for red and squamous plaques that are very itchy. It is often this sign that is revealing. Depending on the seat, the skin can be only infiltrated or cause nail damage and a fall of the hair. Some lymph nodes start to inflate, and the biopsy confirms the diagnosis. Further examinations are then required to assess the invasion of other lymph nodes or organs.
These lymphomas affect humans between 40 and 60 years. It is essentially mycosis Fungoides and sezary syndrome.
Other lymphomas that are even more rare are the cause of very varied skin lesions, usually in the form of small nodules under the skin. The treatment is substantially the same as for the Mycosis fungoides.

The goal is to relieve the itching that is sometimes very painful, and to stop the progression of the disease. The electron therapy (a kind of superficial radiation) and the dyeing of the skin with anti-cancer products toxic to malignant cells, allows to stop or even to result in remissions.
It may also occur that the disease extends to other viscera or lymph nodes, which requires more comprehensive and diversified chemotherapy.
Related terms: mycosis fungoides-Sezary syndrome-The above information provides the essential elements on this subject. It is not intended to be exhaustive and, like the councils, it cannot subsist on a medical consultation or diagnosis.

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